Curating Your Travels

At the entrance to our street in Marrakesh.

I had a good conversation with a dear friend of mine on the phone the other day. 

“How are you finding Marrakesh?” she asked. 

“I love it,” I said. Then I paused. “The truth is, I’m choosing to love it. I’m curating my experience.” 

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Why Bulgaria? (Part II)

I started writing this on a train from Plovdiv to Sofia, kept on writing on a plane, then on a balcony in Athens overlooking a tangle of other balconies. I spent a month in Bulgaria, and now that I’m looking at it from another place and culture, I’ve finally reached a kind of answer to that question, often posed before we came.

Which is that it’s a terrible question. 

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Why Bulgaria? (Part I)

We get asked this question a lot. 

In fact it’s rare that–when we mention that we’re on our way to Bulgaria–the response is something other than “Why Bulgaria?” We’ve come to refer to it as The Question. 

If you were asking The Question, I could give you a list of reasons, such as these: 

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What Happiness Sounds Like (when it doesn’t take too much to make you happy)

We wanted someplace quiet on a recent weekend, so we headed for Thomas, West Virginia, a former coal-mining community that’s now finding a second life as a low-key retreat in the mountains.

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12 Stops on my Book-Love Tour of New York City

I’ve been to New York City to see the big attractions and dazzling shows, but my trip last week was something quieter and so sweet: a book-love tour of Manhattan.

This trip was my own creation–self-guided, budget-friendly, and flexible enough for browsing, contemplating, reading, and writing. I missed a few gems, but I also stopped at a surprising number of great destinations in my few days in the city: seven book stores, three museums, and two libraries. I walked or took the subway everywhere. Each night I fell into my clean, no-frills hostel bed exhausted and happy. Can I recommend this 12-stop trip to my fellow book lovers? 100 percent. It was wonderful. Let’s start with the libraries, shall we?

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