Launa at Large


Interested in what daily life is like as a full-time minimalist traveler?

In addition to my essay-ish posts here on Field Trip Notebook, I’ve begun a series of 1-minute reads on Substack.

They’re postcards from, well, wherever we are. (Right now we’re in Tacoma, Washington, prepping for our next big international travel leg through 9 Asian countries.)

I invite you to stop by–and subscribe!

Beliefs About Stuff that I’m Letting Go

Many thanks to No Side Bar for publishing my piece today on the beliefs I’m uncovering (and letting go) as I unload possessions.

You can read it here.

And, let’s admire this lovely empty closet. Beautiful, right?

Thanks for reading, and by the way, I love comments. Bookmark for more on travel, minimalism, books, public transportation, and hikes. For daily postcards from, well, wherever we are, subscribe to